Ice & Snow. or do you mean clothes.........probs jeans, T-shirt, my BIG coat and my shoes with the least grip
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Not again Does look pretty nice tho
i really love the snow, dan m8 can i cum n pull some skids with ya then can we make a snow man??? :angel3:
I lurrrrvvvveeee the snow, i've just took my niece out... she loved it... I'm like a big kid in the snow and love 2 make angels :angel:
i was just reading this thread and looked outside to see bright blue skies so thought great we won't get any...within 3 minutes of me thinking that its FUCKING PISSING DOWN WITH SNOW! :evil: I NEED CHOCOLATE! :cry2:
Oooooooh, you're a lucky jinx!! Get up Newcastle, need much more snow here! (Will buy you a big bar of dairy milk if you can get a foot of snow on the ground )
i'll bring it in sack fulls with me if you buy me a big bar of galaxy too! but you're an unlucky jinx cos its now stopped...i'm going to go n buy some chocolate now though!
Woah its really snowing now! Looks so pretty from inside!! Dont fancying walking from the library though... Ah well, i'll make the most of being inside and it looking nice!!