Kerry james Promise debut !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeordieLee, Jul 5, 2002.

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  1. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    mixing is over-rated.
  2. Guest

    Mixing hasnt got fuck all to a DJ giving you a good night... its only Anoraks & Smart E who judder to halt in full dance to moan "ooh did u hear that suspect mix!"

    Who gives a fuck?

    And as for mentioning it on the message board thats out of order.

    Show more respect.
  3. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    yep pike, mark, your both right, a DJ's job is an entertainer, not a beat matcher. DJ's have a lot of other things to consider when PLAYING to an audience. And as far as im concerned when a DJ is enjoying themselves at work (if they call it work) then the audience will enjoy themselves!

    and Kerry is the best at that.
  4. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    hehehehehe i was thinkin exactly that

    --- you ok pike?? i think i may have to have a word with jane bout this. lol ;)
  5. Guest

    Its like getting your tea cooked by your girlfriends mum and then saying "Eeeeeeeeew that was mingin".
  6. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Joe said that he thought mixing was over-rated on sun.
  7. Guest

    Listen i dont see why everyone is tossing comments back and forward like this me personaly i had a brilliant night with lots of laughs and i thought kerry was brilliant no matter what the mixin was like due to she a regional Ikon and knows what tunes we like. Phil we cant expect everyone to be perfect but at least kerry knew how to show us a good time. As for the entry fee it costs more to open the doors of promise than it does to actually run the entire night so u cant drop the fee as ull end up dropping the night. Everyone gets there opitunities in life in different places just got to wait for those oppitunities to come find u and u will if ure good enough just me,fizz,kerry and other djs around newcastle we are all getting different oppitunities in different places thats how we devolop a following and right now technoorgasm,vuzz,sunday trading have good following and get lots of oppertunities Lee foster i would never put down in a million years cause he is three times the dj most of us r but he hasnt got a following like we have its all about punters through the doors at the end of the day. Lee like i say mate i would never put u down and im lookin forward to meeting u and seeing u live and if u r what phil says u r ull understand these comments ive made.
  8. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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    Easy! Tigers! :D

    I'd just like to congratulate Kerry on a fucking amazing set!!!
    I really don't think M.I.K.E could have wound me up like that!!

    Now about this mixing lark!
    I personally noticed only 2 thats right 2 dodgy mixes. One was clearly when some drunken BUM had jumped on to the box nocking shit out of the records which is obviously not Kerry's fault. The second time it just sounded a little rough to me. But i'm not a DJ i can't mix. Phil is my mate and we've had this discussion and i can see his point. But is there any need to jump down his throat and start mentioning and i quote 'the Lee Foster fan club'. What the fuck is this? When was lee foster ever mentioned? When the fuck did he start a fucking fan club? :confused:
    Just because he thought her mixing was a little off can he not voice his opinion or does he need to run it by certian members of this board first?

    Friday night was fucking amazing and i think thats got alot to do with Kerry's presence behind the decks. You can tell she's bursting with energy and can't wait to throw us into a frenzy!! The crowd picks this up and responds in a good way! Personally if the DJ is putting all of their energy into it i like to respond by putting all my energy into it! This is the formula for an excellent night in my opinion. So fuck if a couple of mixes go astray. Thank you and good night!

    P.s. Smart E and Mark and Pilly Phil. Don't you think you're all over reacting? :D :D
  9. Guest

  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    more big trance DJ's hopefully:confused: :cool: :D
  11. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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    I totally agree with ya Mark. people don't understand you cant just drop the price at the drop of a hat. i don't mind paying £9 £10 qiud to go to promise at all. You pay more to go absolute bollocks venues!! I love promise and think it is really goin places and i trust in your judgement. As for this lee foster thing. Its already been discussed. And the people who it concerns are aware of where they stand. That being you and Lee. Its got fuck all to do with us. Lee's my friend and i want him to do well and we all want our friends to play the places we love but we have to be realistic and Lee is not stupid and knows how the business works. Can we all just forget this and congratulate Kerry on a fucking amazing night and i look forward to hearing from her again in the near future. :D :D :D
  12. Ness

    Ness Registered User

    Feb 17, 2002
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    In the Forest
    here here!
  13. Guest

    ill third that geoff
  14. El Maracca

    El Maracca Registered User

    Jan 25, 2002
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    Its Jeff. :D
  15. Guest

    sorry geoff lol i mean MR maracca
  16. Sparkles


    Apr 3, 2002
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    South Shields
    My 2 pence worth

    Well, well what can I say, as per usual Smart E starts talking loads of bullshit and people get wound up. Smart E why did you bring Lee’s name into the debate about Friday night! Do we have some sort of problem here, or are you just being a cheeky little boy?

    Mark, you were the first person to jump on the bandwagon; sounds like you really don't like Lee, that’s a shame, as you don't even know him. Lee is far too sensible to get involved in bullshit like this, but as his other half, I find it hard not to get pissed off when SOME people try so hard to under rate him.

    Mark, I love the association you have tried to make with Lee and bedroom DJ's, so clever!
    I could make a list of Lee’s achievement, but as all his fan club members get regular posts I won’t bother! Being petty isn’t my forte!

    A few messages down and you have changed you opinion ever so slightly by saying his CD's are good. Yes we don’t want to appear too closed-minded do we? As for him being new to you, hasn’t he been sending you stuff for over 12 month's?

    If either of you choose to take offence at this I suggest you back track a couple of messages and see how (covertly) offensive you have been towards Lee.

  17. Guest

    I cant wait to come to promise mark it is class according to my mates.
    cya soon:cool:
  18. Wet and Hard

    Wet and Hard Registered User

    Jun 4, 2002
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    There isn't a Mr Van Dyk waiting for a gig by any chance is there Mark?
  19. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    well said mark
  20. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    where does Lee Foster DJ @ regulary?
    has he got a residency or anything?

    not being evil, just wondrering.....

    Sparkles perhaps?????

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