Kerry james Promise debut !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GeordieLee, Jul 5, 2002.

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  1. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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  2. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    also well said phil...
    i noticed you had lots of biatches sat round you @ SS...u stud u!...
  3. Sparkles


    Apr 3, 2002
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    South Shields
    Here we go again!

    QUOTE]Originally posted by Mark - PROMISE
    Sparlkes i haven,t got a problem with lee , however all i hear is how rich is supposed to hate him , whats that about being childish
    i have never slagged lee i did not refer to him as a bedroom dj
    sending cd,s for a 12 months does,nt guareentee a spot at promise there are not enough weeks in a year to fit everyone in
    i have peole like marco v etc waiting for gigs
    I think there was a problem that we picked kerry not lee in some peoples eyes
    hence the conversation

    Here we go again. My point was this: what has Kerry’s debut, and her mixing ability, got to do with Lee and now Richard as well? Lee and Richard have had countless people going to both of them telling tales how ‘Lee hates Rich’ and ‘Rich hates Lee.’ This matter has been resolved and they have no problems with each other what so ever!

    I can't believe you would even bring that up on here Mark; there you go again, how old are you? (Tutt, tutt so petty.)

    Mark you seem to relish the opportunity to shoot Lee down in flames whenever you can, you were slagging him off and it's not the first time. I don't need to go into it because it's there in the old messages for everyone to see. Mark you are the king of contradicting yourself! I only pointed out that he had been sending you CD's for over a year, as you claimed he was ‘new’ to you, not because I think you owe him a gig! This entire thread has been misinterpreted in places. The biggest injustice being Smart E dragging Lee’s name into this when it had not even been mentioned. So where was the problem with Kerry being picked and not Lee? Do I have to emphasise again that nothing had been mentioned by anyone, hence the conversation!

    JohnnyBoyRevel go back to kissing butt, not trying to be clever, it doesn’t suit you!

    Lee doesn’t have a residency, but his next two gigs are in August at the Radisson Hotel in New Delhi India. Is that answer enough to your question?


    Johnny Boy Revel perhaps?
  4. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Re: Here we go again!

    ik wasnt fucking trying to be cleaver.....i just wanted to know! and i asked u cos u seem to know him well or sommat!

    and when the fuck do i kiss ass? i just give an honest opinion?
    have i been kissing ass about kerry james? or promise in general? i dont think so.

    Lee Foster anyhow doesnt have anything to do with this thread, SmartE was just digging Phil about Lee, every1 does, and its done in jest FFS.

    and yes, it does answer my question thanks.....
  5. Sparkles


    Apr 3, 2002
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    Re: Re: Here we go again!

    I'm so sorry but, yes, you were kissing butt! Unless Mark needs prompts from you like:

    Quote: Well said Mark!

    When what he said, in fact, wasn't really well said at all; his opening comment, about Richard and Lee, was far a field from the subject at hand!

    Just giving my honest opinion! We could always play that game of digging each other, you seem to find it funny when it's about someone you don't know like Lee, I mean everyone does and it's always in jest, isn’t it?

  6. Guest

    Re: Here we go again!

    Sparkles calm down!! Mr Revel wasnt taking the piss!!! Me thinks lee hyas a lot of fans!! all my mates have a copy of his cd's! just chill and take everything with a pinch of salt!!
  7. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Re: Re: Re: Here we go again!

    i didnt say i found it funny, or imply i did.

    i just thoguht it was a point well made about DJ's like Marco V waiting for a gig, and sending CD's for a year not garaunting a slot.

    i also said "well said" to phil, as i thought his point was well written. am i kissing phil's ass too? i must be......
  8. Sparkles


    Apr 3, 2002
    Likes Received:
    South Shields
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Here we go again!

    Yes, you did say that, it is there in your message plain as day!

    QUOTE: Lee Foster anyhow doesn’t have anything to do with this thread, Smart E was just digging Phil about Lee, every1 does, and its done in jest FFS.

    Something said in JEST, is in FUN, therefore you probably found it funny. Do I need to elaborate further?

    Can't believe I'm having to spell this out again BUT seeing as you don't understand:

    I only pointed out that he had been sending Mark CD's for over a year, as Mark claimed he was ‘new’ to him, not because I thought Mark owed him a gig!

    This was written in the message below if you had read it properly!

    Is this clear now JBR?

    Jambon, thanks for the advice but I am calm mate!
  9. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    this is all getting to pedantic....
    i find joe diggin phil about lee foster funny, cos its just one of those things. ppl do it, its amusing. and thats what i was refering too.
    i dont find people digging lee foster about his dj skills funny. and have never said i have.

    enough now. its boring.
  10. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    well said mark.....

    kiss kiss

    *awaits comments*
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    Yes please :D
  12. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    more trance!!
    roll on john 00, hardwick and GC August!
  13. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    just thought id comment about kerry james, saying that this thread is about her performance and has gone out of control......

    wish i was there to have seen her......gutted i wasnt.....

    now.... calm, breathe and relax.
  14. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    Dont say the G- word on this board :p :p
  15. Sparkles


    Apr 3, 2002
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    South Shields
    Mark you are so funny! You know what I'm going on about; your subtext is always negative regarding Lee! This can be interpreted as slagging someone off. Even if Lee's name isn't mentioned i.e the reason for this whole conversation, some how you go on the defensive with comments like 'Lee Fosters Fan Club'

    A while back Akira mentioned Lee wrote for Muzik and you came out with:

    'don,t rate muzik magazine , prefer smash hits'

    In the context of the conversation if this wasn't having a go at Lee subtlety, I'll eat my hat!

    Perhaps slagging off was too strong a word to use, but I'm sure I've demonstrated my point.

  16. Goose


    Jul 10, 2002
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    I wasn't there on Friday, although I was meant to be, passed out before I left the house. Fact is I have one of Lee's CDs and I've heard Kerry play on numerous occasions, they both seem like talented people to my fairly inexperienced ear, but for a last minute local act Kerry has to be recognised as the biggest name and has a history of playing high profile gigs to large crowds.

    I love coming down to promise and it seems to just get better and better, and rather than complaining about smaller local acts I appreciate the chance to see new talent and get a feel of where the scene is going. Spunkton is also a new kid on the scene and many will have seen him blow away the crowd at SSNE and ARCANE. He's wasted at that hole Legends and would storm a night like promise....

    More new talent, please...
  17. Rozz

    Rozz Registered User

    Feb 26, 2002
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    12" from the speakers!
    Well........ looks like this post has got a bit heated?!??! Its a shame to see that there is this much disagreement over last Fridays Promise. I had a really good night and havent yet spoke to anyone who didnt enjoy their night.
    Both Kerry and Lee are very talented DJ's. I have met them both and also come across to me as very nice people. I think it is important that people do have their opinions on nights at Promise so the team can find out what we (the regulars) really think. I think some opinions were mis interpreted and took the wrong way and resulted in alot of comments which were uncalled for.
    People go out to have a good time and see their mates, fave DJ's etc (i do anyway). many people look for different qualities in a night when they go out. Alot of people are happy going out to hear a great selection of tunes and if they didnt hear a good selection of tunes, wouldnt be impressed. Some people and IMO people who are slightly more passionate about the more technical side of the evening (mixing, scratching etc) look out more for skill than others, and probably notice more mistakes than others.
    It is important not to take peoples opinions to heart and react to them more positively than biting back at comments that were not meant to cause insult or upset.
    Its a shame so many others have been dragged into this thread which was supposed to be about Friday night, then turning into a bitter row.
    All in all I really enjoyed last Friday and hardly stopped all night! Well done to both Kerry and Richard for doing so well after such short notice!
  18. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Re-reading what I posted I could of phrased it a lot better.... but phil you actually brought lee fosters name up on friday?!?!?
  19. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    use democracy, do a poll. Lee Forster or not or who the fuck is he?

    Rozz, have you got Mark's plot? Oh there it is, next to Phils dummy!
  20. An@rchy

    An@rchy Registered User

    Feb 15, 2002
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    5 mins from your gaff with a case of lager in the
    1 that was a joke Mark

    2 I wasn't suggesting a poll to see if we should book any DJ, but a poll to see if ppl who use this board want to see Lee F. It's up to you, as you point out, to decide which DJs play at Promise, and the line-ups we're seeing is nowt to complain about at all! :D

    I respect your right to defend your staff and friends, as I respect Phils right to defend his (and promote them too!) Unless I've mis-read this, i don't think anyone HAS attacked your friends or staff, but feel free to correct me if you feel otherwise.

    I'm not taking any sides here, nor do I have any agenda, hidden or otherwise. Lee Forster is NOT a friend of mine, he's a friend of a friend who I met a few times, and got on ok with. I'm not trying to piss you off or wind you up here either, at all.

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