Had a good night, never been before so didn't really know what to expect and really enjoyed myself, makes a change going somewhere like that
i was on a work night out, only wanted to go 'for a couple' but was in gotham town from 5-9, then the forth till last bus home time :spangled: lots of :beer:'s, sat all night talking to someone i hardly knew then fell asleep on bus home, only got off at right stop cos a lad i went to school with woke me up :spangled: was also gonna head down to wax on at one point too, tho the pissedness got in the way of that idea. good crack tho :spangled: what isnt good crack, a team leader waiting until youre steaming and talking you into working overtime the next morning off to work soon, still shitfaced :spangled:
I was only out for a couple.. a last minute decision meant I ended up at Wax On.. felt ill as fuck (just a cold like ) and couldn't warm up, I kept my coat on all night. Really pissed as well.. I'd forgotten what a hangover feels like. Good though.
At work now (30mins late). Proper ill. Wax:On was cool. Annie Mac was v good. Tiefscharwz and Lee Coombs were ace aswell. Good stuff.
I did end up at wax on after all. Went to mates house for drink and then managed to twist his arm to go about 1145. Not sure who played what and when but do seem to remember it was very good:spangled: :spangled: Seem to remember annie mac bein very good and teifschwraz(sp) played some good stuff,tunes i do remeber was spektrum-kindanew(teifschwarz mix dub thing) and Joshwink-higher state of conciuness(sp).Cant spell or type now as the world is very fuzzy :spangled:
I went out like and had a canny night. Bar Beyond then Stage Door, banter was class and i was canny well served come the kebab shop time