Eternal Sunshine I don't know if there has been a post about this film but I've just watched it...I was completely puzzled until the very end. Really really clever film but very weird!! I recommend it to anybody who hasnt seen it!
I must have said "Eh!?!?" at least 30 times when watching this ! the person who made it must have consumed a hell of a lot of drugs to think of that storyline!!!
along with garden state my favourite film from last year, totally love it.. its rare that i buy dvds but for only 7 big uns on amazon it had to be done! (even though i waited three weeks for it ) the soundtrack is brilliant too!
Superb film - one of my favourites of last year along with lost in translation. Quite sobering, but very hopeful at the same time - Amazing performance from mr carrey.
i aint seen this one yet, i fancy it tho! its kool seeing Jim Carrey plaiyng more Serious Roles, The Majestik was mint
my sisters walked out after about 20 mins.. think its either something your into or you aren't... the screenplay and the acting where the best things about it i thought, especially the scenes at the train station and on the beach.. ie. ketrat wouldn't like it cos it requires an attention span higher than that of a goldfish
Brilliant film If you get lost whilst watching it, the best way is to look at Kate Winslets hair to tell in which reality the scene is set
Superb film! Lost in Translation is brilliant first i was, but it was really good! That was 2003 though