Some are canny but working on a bar I know they can be fecking wankers too. Most of them are okay until they get a pint down their neck. Fair play most people can have a drink and get rowdy etc. But most of the time they take it too far ie pissing all over the bandits, chinning customers, abusing staff and basically being dicks. This is even worse working in a bar with no doormen
Re: Why Are the Gypo's Getting Jip? Cos they take over land that doesnt belong to them, turn the land and surrounding area into a rubbish dump, take there kids out of school when they 11, there noisy, dont pay fines when given and when they leave the land they have been dossing at its a complete mess and the council has to foot the bill.
if they don't wanna pay any taxes - why should they get benefits from the goverment. i don't want any living near me - theiving pikeys. Send them all to the isle of man and take their boats away.
Hell yeah! I'd go along with that! There were some who set up "Camp" next too my Uncle's just outside of leeds. He said the time they were there, they were rude, noisy and when they left the place was a shit tip
some the debate on abortion was shocking, it was suggested taking the limit down to around 12 weeks. In actual terms, being 12 weeks pregnant means missing 3 periods, not a lot of leeway for finding out you are actually pregnant and then deciding what you want to do about it.
Not to mention, Vandalism, Broken Fences, Pets shitting all around, dirty nappies, gardens used as toilets, bad language and horses. They should be made to pay like the rest of us have to. Bring in a tax for them i say!
So it seems to me the problem is the travellers no longer want to travel & people don't know how to deal with it
The racist stereotypes in this thread are offensive and retarded. broken fences?!?!?! LMAO so gypsies walk around smashing fences for fun? Interesting.
without the gypo's round here there would be much less gak around, whether that would be a good or bad thing is another matter.
FAO Quick Fix Whats your problem with charvas? can you not accept a person for who they are? Its all youth culture.
I dont think its all gypsies that the government is planning toi sort out. Its those who set up on private property???
WHere can i find some gyppos? I've never seen one on a night out. only at those shitty fairs they bring round. then they're a nuisance! Used to shoot their caravan windown with an air pistol when I was younger. Class!