Aye it's quite nice! Was over the park for about 2 hours earlier with the pup just laid about enjoying the rays
Aye ive just popped over the road from work for me sarnie and the sun is really hot, hope its like this over the weekend! BBQ STELLA ENGLAND MATCH SUN TUNES What more could u wish for!!
just been to the coast for breakfast, well nice.. probs piss down 2mrw eh, only in thr UK could we get excited about 14 degrees of heat.
Haha, 14degrees, and you can gaureentee there will be a thread on every message board about it!! Its like a heat wave to us though!!
We use to go to the field with a crate of cans and a bit :chill: and just play all day till it got dark! Its fucking mint!
its not as warm as it has been but still warm for march...then again it could be 20 degrees and i'd still have a zip up top on!