Pay Day Feels kinda weird actually having money again. Been so skint last month, but the day has arrived :worship: :clap: :wiggle: :bonkers: :wiggle: :groovy: Can't wait till I finish work so I can go and start spending it:moon:
I bought a bit :chill: and me and Mick some Cans lastnight, the rest is monet i owe out ! Got about £200 for the rest of the month. Saving it for Twisted next wed and Promise B-day .
I'm total crap with money! Just spend what i have and when thats runs out instead of staying in, I lend more! Not this month though I'm a changed man
well i got payd today but i lost me bank card so i had to order a new one on monday, it still hasnt cum yet tho so im skint but have muny all at the samre time!! gud job pauls their to help me out till i get sorted!!!