britains number 1 sketch andy n lou in little britain from lulu's thread, anyone who's watched this, has papa lazarou been in the list?????
Think he was about 12th? Don't see how Andy and Lou are number one like. Its only bcos thats whats popular at the moment.
13th but i missed that bit just caught him saying dave, hence why i had to ask....i've never seen league of gentlemen before just stand up sketches of the afore mentioned papa lazarou
That took forever!! Once you start you have to watch till the end and was begging for it to be over!! Woldn't have said Andy and Lou deserved to be number 1 like, it's jsut popular at the mo but doubt it'll stand the ground like some of the other classics!!
little britian is funny - but it only won because like someone said, it's popular at the moment... my fav, and i was waiting for it was : "... handles for forks"
john cleese twatting the shit out of his car with a branch should have won what position did it come in cos i just caught the end
it didn't - but that wasn't an actual individual comedy sketch... the 'dead parrot' 1 was 2nd.. which i don't find that amusing...
I think the one where he climbs a tree & Lou asks him how he got up there to which he replies "I fell" is much funnier, or the one where he is in the pub with lou and his new lass, when lou goes to the bar he lies down, spins the wheel on his wheelchair and says "she pushed me"
Peep show, the young ones, bottom and operation good guys are all infinitely better than little britain if you ask me.