Post A... Funny pic and explain what memory it has to you!! Doesnt necessarily have to have full sentimental value...ha...just post something funny We need it! Try and write something about the photo though. N no this doesnt need to go in the photo bit!! It needs to be here
This one cause its three of 5 Asian lads that moved in & attempted to take over a shared house i lived in back in 2003, i always got the impression they were "fresh off the boat" & when them being there got too much i decided to let Immigration know... 3 days later they were gone
Why can u not have pics in promise mission control? U have threads with pages and pages of womens arse's... PWEEEAAAAASEEE :angel:
Wooo! & I made a fair point about the womens arses didnt I? :angel2: Bri U need to post one as well! Ive got loads...
She's called Emma by the way everyone!! N Yes I have her number, and no you's cant have it! Joking :angel2: