does this make me a cock? driving to work.. say i was going from bottom right, to top left exit. in the left lane, there's a massive queue to go straight ahead or left (to four lane ends). the exit i want to cross over to is single lane traffic only, leading to freeman hospital. in the right lane next to the one im sitting in there's nobody queuing, so i go in the right lane get on the round about - go right the way round it (doing a 540 degree turn) and come out at my exit, saving approx 3 minutes in rush hour traffic. does this make me a cock?
Look at the bigger picture though. Yeah you have saved three minutes, but how long you spend knocking up that diagram and explanation?
I do that whenever i have to - it's perfectly legal, and besides if the adjoining road is also 2 lanes you get straight into the fast lane... simple!
your defo a type of cock in my book. if everyone did that the roundabout wouldnt work and everyone would be fucked. VERDICT: YOUR A COCK
this is true.. i can't see why more people dont do it though! no one was doing it and there was a blatant eighth of a mile free in the other lane.
so now ur left with the question, Are you a cock, or are you just that little bit more clever than the other people at the roundabout?
i do it all the time on the way to four lane ends, and at asda roundabout in blyth. if it makes me cock, so be it, ill get there quicker than the bloke who isnt a cock
im the type to wait patiently in the left hand lane where im supposed to. I feel good im not pissing anyone off, and to me, 3 mins never makes that much difference anyway. If i was really late I might consider doing it