Work relationships Whould you have a flinbg with your boss??? Do you think it would affect promotions for the better, or even for the worse if higher powers found out ???
my boss is the crypt keeper but if she was fit i probably would have a go but more cos i think with my cock than for the promotion prospects
Cole Trickle you are IRRESISTIBLE TO WOMEN. A man like you has to get used to the fact he will be shaggin many women in many everyday situations. The quicker you come to terms with this the better.
Not exactly my boss...but sum1 higher up - and tbh it made it WORSE to start with...was to awkward. Its ok now tho and think its developing into time for round 2
i know :cry2: :cry2: you think i could pay someone maybe? if i can loose my virginity before im 50 i'll be happy