Doctors Whats yours like? They proper un-nerve me. I think its mostly to do with the fact they call their office a practice, they have to do about 7 years at medical school to become a doctor they shouldnt need anymore practice.
but to practice doesn't just mean skill aquisition... its just something you do loads/everyday... mines a 60yo cnut tho...
I hardly ever trust doctors, my grandma once begged to go to the doctors, at this point weknew something was wrong cos she never EVER asked us to take her anywhere or do anythign for her n she never wanted to trouble anyone, so we took her along to be told she had high blood pressure. A few days later shes begging to go back again told the same thing and is just being a typical old age pensioner. We went to Portugal, after dragging my mam away from her, and the night we get back we get her an ambulance and take her to the hospital. 2 days later she had died and she was riddled with cancer throughout her whole body, not even just a little tumour :evil: :cry2:
thats really shitty nat, what a horrible thing to happen my doctor wouldnt listen to me that i had a bad back, until I arrived in a taxi from mine (its a 2 minute walk) screaming in agony, couldnt move. Still sent me away with pain killers, and booked me an appointment at the hospital in a weeks time, then at the physio in a months time. when i went to the physio, they just said they didnt have any idea what was wrong with me, just do these excersizes to be fair though, they do have a hard job. government targets etc.