We need . . . . . . to have a Matt Hardwick 5 hrs night at Promise again. That was by far the best Promise night of the last 12 months in terms of both music and atmosphere. Class crowd all loving it, and Matt was quality. Almost the whole board out. Id like to see it happen again before the years out.
we also need Guy Ornadel to host the backroom, hes doing a new thing playing in clubs back rooms around the uk, just him and a 'future star', with him playing a 6hr set or something. the 1st one was at passion last month, and the t/l for his set was it would be unreal on a hard night or something like that i reckon. also definite yes to matt 5hrs, was the best night at promise since it went monthly imo.
tbh i only enjoyed the start of his set when he was playing floaty and proggy. xpander near the end it got a bit too anthem, was canny tho, i still think it wud be better to get more new people, im personally bored of seeing the likes of hardwick eddie lashes jules playing all the time
given that tho looking at the new line-ups they are getting new people in, so this isnt me complaining