Car de-locking?? Woke up this morning to find that my car has been broken into Luckly there wasn't anything too valuable in there.. they just got away with my entire aftershave collection that I used to keep in my glovebox Other than that there is just a hole in my door where the hammered the screwdriver in. I'm on a personal vendetta to get my revenge.. one way or another.. :samurai: Anyways does anyone know a good garage where I can get my car de-locked??
sorry to hear that mate. with a bit luck they will have got ran over n died a horrible death on the way from ur car i wud just try kwik fit or sumwhere? or look on
kwik fit are thieving bastards,,,steer clear of them like (no pun intended ) better off going to a local garage there much more down to earth
were are you at?...i have a bodyshop in sunniside near whickham. were not cheap,but we offer the best quailty work around
I'd take it to a local garage that you know My car got broken into before Christmas, think it cost about £40 to get a new lock fixed
i had to replace the back wiper....took me days cos every1 kept tellin me different things i just ended up buying a rubberthing and it clipped on and replaced what was there. winner
i cant change my tyres i dont think. if they burst or whatever i just have to drive to a garage sumwhere n buy new ones i think :spangled:
haha aye! my insurance company talked me into getting all that extra cover. so i took it. then realised i get it all free with me car anyway
I can do the basics, just not this The lock is fine.. they just stuck a screwdriver through the door panel next to the lock.. cheeky bastards. Actually I suppose they did as little damage as possible so thats something to be grateful for. I'm gonna remove the locks, smooth the door panels and get a cat 1 alarm fitted.. Lets see the little bastards get in then
people like you shouldnt be allowed on the road a tyre? i made a point of learning shit like that, just in case. tell you what, let someone show you how to do it, then change your tyre once. at least if you are caught miles from a garage you arent going to be wrecking your car driving to one. what if its not open? jeez. and you are a man although thats debatable