Cool Nokia has unveiled a music-enabled mobile phone it hopes will rival Apple's iPod. The Nokia N91's four gigabyte hard disk can store up to 3,000 CD-quality songs. Nokia hopes to become the largest seller of portable MP3 players this year. It also claims to have outstripped camera manufacturers with the sale of camera phones. The Nokia N90 features a two megapixel camera with 20x digital zoom and optics designed by Carl Zeiss. "With its pioneering multi-hinge twist-and-shoot design, we have brought ease-of-use and high quality photography into mobile telephony," said Juha Putkiranta, senior vice president of multimedia imaging at Nokia. The phone is expected to go on sale in the summer, with the N91 making its debut at the end of the year. Saves carrying an mp3 player & mobile round at the same time i guess
looks nice, i like the way they have the control on the front too. 4 gig is a great deal in just mobile phone speak. I've got a samsung 5 gig player and its still only half full! must be just my shallow taste in music
Sonys new one is pretty dam cool aswell When Sony start slapping the world famous Walkman mobile music brand on their products, you know that they mean business, and their new Sony Ericsson W800 has been proudly trumpeted as the first mobile phone to combine a high-quality digital music player and a 2 Megapixel camera. The W800 will come equipped with a two-megapixel camera, GPRS data access and a digital music player compatible with MP3 and AAC music file formats. As is the case with several comparable music phones, song playback can be paused as users take phone calls.