Explosion at British Consulate in New York http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4516119.stm Hope this isnt going to get worse
to be honest we should thank our antiterrorist police for the fact there aint been no incidents in this country in the election run-up
How can you say that Brid there are Muslims EVERYWHERE!!! Everyone of THEM is a terror threat Just like every Irish person was in IRA
i dont agree with that, the fear factor has been used by Blair to win votes and to argue his right to go to war. Are we actually living in fear? Im not and i dont think many people are. If someone wants to do something they will do it, the fact nothings happened in this country is not cos your antiterrosit units are so good its cos there is no terrorist threat.
If anyone should be living in fear its me, you think terrorists would bomb Eldon square? More like Waterloo Station etc etc.... f'nar.....
someone blew up a sheep over my way once. No, it wasnt me it also may (or may not) be urban myth but hey, terrorism hits rural areas too, ya know NO-ONE IS SAFE :laugh: