False Tan NEVER ever used it before in my life but have today its gone totally wrong :cry2: i look like ive got some kind of skin disease jess? katie? any ideas i knew i should have stuck to the sun beds
i too have completely fucked up this afternoon. i was bored of doing my work so i thought i would go and make some biscuits at about half past one. ive spent 2 1/2 hours making COMPLETELY SUGARLESS BISCUITS. lamon juice will help your patches of tan sasha, but can you get sugar in my biccies?
why dont you... mash them up put them in a pan add a little bit of butter and sum sugar and make a base for a cheese cake
lol, lamons are small creatures found only in the australian outback that have small claws which they can run about on - see if you can catch one and juice one. if not try lemons, that acidic fruit that comes from trees.
i love you , you are the savious of my life. im off to tescos to get some cheesecake ingredients :hugs:
lucy when ive got some time off we'll make lots of 'special' cakes its class cause more :chill: you get the more cake u eat (when you get the munchies) which gets you more :chill:
Better idea, do the biscuit base thing, but on top of that, place an unopened tin of condensed milk into a pan of water so that water goes over the top, boil it for 3 hours, take it out, let it cool down, then open it and uve got toffee, slice up some banans, put em on top of the base then cover the bananas with the toffee, then whip some cream and put it on top of the toffee (make sure toffee is cool) and then grate some chocolate on top. Banoffee pie!! Easy as anything too
Fake tan is terrible to put on like... i use it sometimes when i cant be bothered to go on the sun beds! A couple of weeks ago, I put it on before going out, was a really nice brown at the start... then by the end of the night it was bright orange lol, so I made a quiet entrance and got a taxi
I use toothpaste on any harsh patches I also think that Saint Tropez have a product for blending tan accidents, also sure that 17 @ Boots do wipes for the same thing. run, into town, quick
I've only ever been on the sunbed once when I was about 15 but it wa sone of them lie down ones and musn't have done the right proportions or something and now I have a faint line on my legs!!No matter how much I have been in the sun on holiday since it just won't go away. Luckily you can only tell if you look real close though I have never touched a sunbed again or used false tan, I'm too scared, if I'm white, I'm white