I will bear that in mind thanks! note to self- take great note when ask him about the hotel as men cant lie!!!
I feel for you Tiger I really do. My head was up my arse, it stayed there until I make some serious mistakes and caused a huge mess. I'm now out of every will in the family....I don;t give a fuck though because I was right to do it. Things just went a little too far.
rightly so mate i can remember when me and me mates were unguns and were on pills just knocking about as you do but two of me mates are brothers and one of the crowd spotted tha fatha with another woman grabing her arse and kissing her and in this case they went about it in the total wrong way.They stopped out the rest of the night then when the got home about 5 in the morning the dragged tha fatha out of bed in front of tha ma and telt her the score then give tha fatha a good seeing to:evil:
i like a said they went about it in the wrong way, although it is hard to try and find anyway to deal with such a situation i hope it dos'nt cause you and your family to much stress take care pet