Since we are in the mood . . . My TWO pet hates. Anyone who cannot differentiate between 'of' and 'off', and also 'to' and 'too', please FUCK OFF AND DIE! IT'S FUCKING SIMPLE AND IT DOES MY FUCKING HEAD IN AND THERE ARE MORE OF YOU THAN I CARE TO MENTION!! IT'S FUCKING SIMPLE! :flowers:
nah m8 it is a bit of a head do,,but u could have picked a worse (fuck me off factor) than one of TEH most common typo's in the world.......ever!!!!! try scratching blackboards or talking to cockneys its well more irritating!!!!
Little knobhead charvers that spark up on the metro :evil: i smoke myself but that really fucking annoys me. People who ring me @ work that have no fucking grasp at all of the English language I mean hello how do you expext to communicate with me ffs :evil: my rant over
deffo pet hates .. don't think i have any tbh or cant think of any right now .. i'm a rather chill:chill:ed out person tbf
thats whats funny tho in it ..... except them moments when your the only one ha suzzed new pet hate .. not knowing which side to catch something on
are you a rascist or something, because with a degree of sence being calm with them... will get you far ... chicken! but aye smoking on the metro shud'nt be done but i must admit i've had my turn of smoking on the metro like my more sober uncheeky moments ! Tiz shan like .. wont be doing it again ... *feels like a hipercrite for previous threads about quitting smoking*
smack head slobs who blag your head for 50p so they can get to Bensham. Pakistani tele sales people who ring my house at least 7 times a day, for fuck sake, get a proppa job man.
people who crack thier knuckles. it makes me feel sick. seeing people touching eggboxes/wooden spoons/wooden lollipop sticks. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
another one for me is hacing to say thanks or reading people posts of thanks, even though its really really well mannered its just some how odd somewhere but aye ... a must ... i know