That Bastd Frog reading on teletext last night that theve now released a single and they reckon it will be number 1 at the weekend ffs
I heard it on the radio on the way back from my exam. For the first time in a while I was speechless.
Awful crap. Can't believe how much money it's made! The original was on eBaums world about 4 years ago where it had a picture of an F1 car, with (what now is) the "frog" sound and the caption was "try to look at this without laughing. Needless to say I managed to do so. Alas, I bet the orignal bloke who did it hasnt got much money off it, someone probably heard it, then decided to make it into a ringtone and they have made MILLIONS. Cocks wouldnt complain if it was me though....
Indeed! The frog has sparked a whole new trend of shite! Squeaky the bird (or is it Tweety?!), and now that bastard dragon thing aswell.
gettin well pissed off wit those adverts. Sayin that i bought an axel f soundin hard trance tune years ago :spangled:
its supposed to be Nessi (as in loch ness monster apparently) Its got to the point where i cant watch channel 4 no more cos im sick of the god damn adverts... they put on about 3 times in every block of adverts!!
that frog has actually put me off watchin telly as much cos everytime i put the telly on it is just about always on :fuming:
chris moyles of radio 1 said it was a close call between cold play and the frog for the number 1 spot this weekend