exams exams.... nebodyelse glad ther ova? i have been so stressd recently. finishd until october now tho
Re: exams I'm not finished yet, got one more on Wed but then I'll be very glad and won't have any more exams ever
Re: Re: Re: exams Thanks but i think i may have to dosome revision if i stand any hopein hell in passing it
It's far too much of a hassle you spend all your time filling in forms going to different assessment centres only to be told you're not exactly hat they're looking for, total waste of time I'm not bitter or anything though
Nah got right down to the last 7 n all, they said they'd recommend me to another department if I wanted but the money wasn't too good tbh, got an assessment centre for NPower at the end of the month I have plenty of time to revise for
A similar thing happened to me with Toyota when I was looking for a placement. Anyways good luck for NPower
Re: exams finished my last one on tuesday, another 3 hour jobby but it wasn't too bad once i got going gotta love the summer, loads of time off and good weather (in theory haha) what course u doin like?
I've enjoyed laughing at people taking exams.. Unfortunately, starting from next year I'll have them every year for at least 5 years.
Re: Re: Re: exams at least the exams are over never had the knack for languages other than english + have total respect for people who can speak another language, never mind 2!
Last one tomorrow at 2, then striaght to the pub, guess I'd ebst start making a move down to Manc soon to take it
I'm totally glad of finishing. I've been doing education for too long now it's turning me into a right lazy fucker need to start working so I don't ruin myself for life.
Finished mine today Sasha is finally on the bus down here as well! She's only been about 2 hours Ive needed a glass of wine for some time now