Turn back time If you could trvel back in time to any point in history where would it be and why? Mine would be to WW2 cause i think it would have been cool being a kid in those days, exciting
Can we not go forward the past is shit. But If I have to I want to see the universe beginning that would be mint.
I'd go back in time and murder the person that created the crazy frog.. and probably jamster. I would then put the lotto on (as above) and try and buy my way outta jail. Fail safe plan..
60's & 70's .... seeing bands like hendrix & the floyd and everyone was swinging in those days.. classic
wish id had the chance to go to a michael jackson concert....i never will now hes likely to get locked up!!
lol.. no. I almost certainly would be if I murdered someone though! I would probably have to buy my way outta a mental institute 2 after screaming that I had saved the world from the crazy frog.. :bonkers:
I'd go back to the first time i got off me in my local nightclub when i was 17. Oh happy days:wiggle:
depends if u can go back with the knowledge you have now wouldnt mind being 10 again like, having said that, i like driving too much lol
1998 around about Spring, sweet inocent never tried anything ilegal was a Chess champ then came the summer and lifes never been the same since Its not big and its not clever..... Kids just say NO