had a good weeknd fri went out on the piss for most of the day pretneding to be a uni student for the final fling "thing" worked saturday day to come home n find my SO called mates already pissed and well on the way to computer game land stayed up all night demolishing myself with the helps of a few people even ricky hatton popped round sunday worked till 4 then came home to find my house waas still invaded lol quality crackin fact i would stretch to say it was a "MEGANITE" off now for 3 days
Texting me at 3am is not letting me lead an easy life, especially when its for something as silly as it was :upyours:
just had my breaky, goin for a jog, then goin to the gym. on and during the week ive gotta find myself another job gutted
My wekend wasn't anything special, just spent it with the b/f. Got a funral to go to today tho then I have to work afterwards . Feeling really sad today.
I know hun....what makes it worse is that I've just been to the docs cos I've been really ill recntly and have to have loads of tests.....am worried sick about it too. Roll on next week!
I'm hating today. Got a splitting headache and been really busy so I can't skive off home. Looks like a boring week for me as well with lots of overtime and no out of work fun stuff.