use a needle. Use a careful pokey leverage action. Like.. stick it in the hole, wiggle it around a bit till it hits the spot then try to pull the spelkinter out. U should get it with a bit of patience. Since you waited a week you will probably have to break the skin but it beats having your foot go green and falling off.
Since when spelk \Spelk\, n. [AS. spelc, spilc, a little rod by which a thing is kept straight, a splint for binding up broken bones, akin to Icel. spelkur, pl., a splint. Cf. Spell a splinter.] A small stick or rod used as a spike in thatching; a splinter. [Prov. Eng.] --Grose. splinter n : a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal; "he got a splinter in his finger"; "it flew into flinders" [syn: sliver, flinders] v 1: withdraw from an organization or communion; "After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away" [syn: secede, break away] 2: divide into slivers or splinters [syn: sliver] 3: break up into splinters or slivers; "The wood splintered" [syn: sliver] :think: