Trafalgar - 200 years since! Tis on the telly now.. 110 warships in Portsmouth harbour - looks like quite a show - the nuclear powered french air craft carrier Charles de gaur is also there... So - is it a legitimate display of when we where a superpower and a salute to Nelson - or just a chance for the navy to 'rattle its sabre'? Thats sometimes what it sounds like " a capable force" some chic in a navy suit keeps saying... does she make the tea or something?
yeah, tis pretty impressive all the same.... i have cousins on board HMS Ocean & HMS Albion... so i've been watching, think one of em done an interview earlier but i was in bed
yeah, there's some sort of a family do on down there this weekend, im debating if i should go, get to spend a few days with em n stuff, on the ship... which is canny Ocean is pretty impressive like second only in size to the big aircraft carriers saying that, the albion aint exactly little
I would have LOVED to have been in Pompy today to see this show, even considered driving down. Tonights reinactment and fireworks over the ships should be amazing. Lord Nelson is our greatest icon but I bet 75% of this board would struggle to explain why. The Royal Navy is what made us GREAT BRITAIN.
last i saw of poor old queeny, she was on the deck of endurance, going past all the ships - 2-3 hours stood up, waving at the ships poor lass!!!
Pike - is your AV that soldier from the 2000AD comics? ain't seen that for YEARS... can't remember what it was called....