mann cant believe you actually did mate when you phoned play you were pretty wasted tho bet it was mint as fuck tho for a laugh
wern't kicked out mate, it was shindig who pulled the night because the club were being petty over flyers and posers, for some reason at the last minute they thought their forthcoming nights were the only thing to be advertised.
i meant to txt you man, we are having a bbq with polaroid girl. been pretty good so far. see you around 12....!
bloody hell - missed out again! get that camera out mate.... bright and early for you lads in the morning i hope... tut tut tut
what so theres not going to be a final Shindig night at foundation? thats terrible! i know loads of people who where planning to come back to ncl from all over the world to go to the "final night"
think it would be idiotic and petty for the club not to give Shindig a proper send-off. To all intents and purposes, the place wouldn't exist if it wasn't for them. Real shame I'm away, has the potential to be an amazing night - especially as Rampling's retiring this year too
People should not make comments about things they blatently know nothing about . Shindig will be having there closing party @ Foundation as planned.
so without shindig foundtaion wouldnt be there its building that was ther before shindig dont think thed of blew it up if shindig wernt there.
Would they have revamped it to Foundation from the Riverside though if they didn't know they had a big night for the saturday
i just got the rumour, that foundation were pissed off at the digital posters were being put up....though it was just a rumour...