anyone else yet to get their uni results? I get mine today (tues) at 1pm and I'm shitting it.... anyone else in the same boat?
make sure your in punching distance of your lecturers.... we got our results down at our exhibition in london and i had to stop my mate decking our lecturer...
yes and no. yes because most second years and first years should have theirs by now, no because I got my finals today
Sounds a good course! Where do you do it? What modules did you study? Sometimes I wish my "network computing" degree was a bad would expect it to be networking...alas, its mostly programming Get my results soon tho!
I did it at northumbria uni (link for modules and course info here), its' been 3 years well spent and I've enjoyed every minute of it. My favourite stuff was in the "ethical hacking" module in the last year... I learned a lot of stuff that they don't teach in the cisco courses, and the MSc is more of the same Just like yours, we did a fair bit of programming in ours, I've done stuff ranging from programming my own stopwatch in assembler to creating a DoS program in C and programming a lego robot in VB... been good fun They've had the right balance though, plenty of networking, programming, and hardware in there together... the OS Network module in the final year dealt with running Windows servers (2k3), web site load balancing, active directory, DHCP, and DNS
well done mate *applauds* have a hug :hug::hug::hug: you have ur degree, what you gonna do with it?
thanks now I'm gonna go back and do another one that lasts a year then I'm gonna try and get a job, I'm looking at the possibility of setting up my own business.