Dumb Cow! I work in recruitment agency and I have just had to sack someone for this............. One of my companys biggest clients were having a very important meeting with some of thier biggest clients yesterday. We had a temp working there as a receptionist , and she was called to make the tea and coffee for the meeting. easy enough you would think.... she goes to make a pot of tea and pot of coffee, but she couldnt find the pots to make the drinks in. so instead of asking someone, guess what she makes it in??! 2 fuking cassorole dishes!!!!! 1 full of tea, and one full of coffee! Then walks into the meeting full of important clients, with 2 cassorole dishes on a tray!!! Fuk knows how she expected them to pour it!!! Our client was pi55ed off to say the least! LOL!
fuking quality!! normally thick fuck temps like that just get binned, but im going to try hard to get her another job , just for making me laugh all morning!!
fuck knows, they wernt at my work, just at one of our clients. Honest to god though! i swear i only JUST managed to sack her, as i was laughing my tits off down the phone! had to keep pressing the secrecy button so she couldnt hear me laughing!
i wudnt have sacked her.. imagine what other shit she would do... she needs her own 'special' reality show... you could have sent her work experience kid stylee looking for striped paint...
mate, im finding her another job as we speak!! shes entertaining! i had to sack her from that one, our client didnt want her working for them anymore - suprisenly!