R.i.p To all the people killed into todays attacks My thoughts go out to all the families & friends of these people that will be suffering as a result of this sickening attrocity. R.I.P
R.I.P England has witnessed a tradgedy 2 day.. hopefully there will be no more needless deaths of innocent people in future.. Bless them all
Still cant quite believe its happened here but it was never really a case of if but when..... R.I.P. Cant think how family/relatives must be feeling.
Re: R.i.p i fucking shit myself, my dad is in london but was well away from them batards that dome that today, he's in the army, really high up. in fact he knows what goes into the bombs and everythig else they use to wipe people out so he's safe! love him million billin so happy he's safe exactly 9am this day last year i was in liverpool st: all those caught up in it today RIP XXX