what got taxed? i thought it was ok.. bit ploddy.. when your not off your tits the sweatpit nights are unbareable... hopefully digital will have decent ventilation!
there were a few people after the round shindig signs, the ones that have 'deep' written on them. the bouncers had taken them off people and just as i was walking past, craig (head bouncer) said to one of them, "if you see people with signs and stuff, just let them keep them". so i, having just heard that, went up to one of the bouncers and very politly asked for a sign and he gave it to me. i love it, it's guna take pride of place in my new room in liverpool. however, if anyone at shindig is pissed off that the bouncers said it was ok for me to take it and would like it back, i'd be lying if i said i'd be happy to give it back but of course i would do the right thing.....
lucky its not a problem mr bradford coz it was all your doings telling us young rif raf on radio what happened last lime and good choice of sone proper shindig!!!
I've been stopped for the bouncers before because I had 4 posters under my arms, think rivera had been on, I'd been down with juski and a few others, bouncer says to me "where you going with those mate?" I was so mashed I could only say one word "home"