Re: Boys wearing...... I'm glad to say now that i'm not one to be led on by the latest fassion trends Who the fuck is wearing pointy shoes? (apart from kemal)
I know this has nothing to do with it but i've just designed and ordered a pair of Pink and Baby Blue rifts off nike ID
a can remember when a was a youngun and me fatha was skint and went n bought s a pair of winkle pickers of the market for school. well as you can imagine a was well pissed off about this and did'nt want to go to school but a could'nt get me own way and had to go. there used to be a lad at school in a wheel chair ,he used to get pushed round of his best mate all the time, well that was till the day a got me shoes so a told his mate i was pushing him from now on so i could hide my terriable shoes under his chair whilst pushing him around so no one could see them, his mate started whinging that he pushed him all the time so in the end had to let him, then a spent about two weeks playing truant when a got sussed a did'nt get wrong of me fatha as a telt him the reason why id been stoping off, as if he did'nt know already so pointy winkle pickers are a definate no no for me