This week i am working all week : Mon 2 Fri - DSS - 8am-4pm Tue / Wed / Thur - Asda - 5pm - 10pm Probs have a mix tonight, cycle somewhere and a sunbed Mates engagement do Fri night in preperation for GKGG, really really cant fucking wait
Heartbreak Soup and Tall Ships tomorrow night. Other than that it's looking pretty quiet so far. Apart from work of course.
work all week at nites out on wednesday after work mates leaving and birthday friday - pamper night after work saturday - last bits for holiday sunday - dinner then gettin all me waxing done :cry2: monday - IBIZA
Just on me way out for a few beers with purvos and that lads for his B Day. Tommorow - tall ships Wednsday - Shopping for the last bits and bobs i need for me hols. Thursday - Production sesh Friday - Drinks with the lads Saturday - IBIZA
Paul, i might pop down to sea on thusday! working tonight then Bambu for nats birthday, tuesday off work and going to the pics to see Fantastic 4. work wednesday, off thursday night.
Working til Thursday, then off for a week. So the donkey's got a carrot dangling in front of him this week Quiet til then, but looking foward to a big weekend
hmmm this one of your earlier logins??? Just strange thats all they had @home as location and a wsedish flag as avatar
Re: This week Been to Leeds dog show today, off shopping with mum tomorrow, off in town on Weds, Promise on Fri... apart from that I'm not sure!
I just hate racists with a passion and the scum dont deserve to be on the same board as the more sensible around here