A Mate Reckoned that he caught crabs from the toilets in Foundation. Own up, who's the crab spread-er?
The 'I' in STI stands for INFECTION not INFESTATION. And yes, you've got to know your enemy. As for Ferry, I've heard he has to regularly scrape clinkers from his bow.
The lice would come under the infection? Sounds disgusting. So do you know who the Foundation trance crab spreader is then or what?
the person who your mate shagged cause they can't survive, unless they are on the warmth and moisture of our bodies.
Never underestimate the resiliance and versatility of the trance crab, powered by epic breakdowns, lumo make up (COME ON) and e-sweat it can survive outside of its normal environment. Just ask Ferry 'Nipper' Corsten.
Pah, I don't need help 'Traffic', just answers. Who is the Foundation trance crab spreader? I suppose they could have jumped from an aired 'clout' in the middle of a breakdown. Feel the itch.