Broken Bones Just broke an ickle bone in my arm and it's absolutely killing me. :cry2: :cry2: Just wondering if anyone has ever broke a bone or seriously injured themselves? I broke a bone in my arm by a door slamming on it last night ( quite funny now tho)
Ouch! Never broken owt but my shoulder got dislocated when I was a kid ....... my Dad was trying to make me go to bed but I wasnt having any of it and between all the struggling I managed to disloacted it
ive broke both my little fingers when i was at school playin sports and i broke my arm in primary school
I jumped over a wall no higher than 1.5ft a few years ago when i was mortal to get a bottle we were playing football with. Upon impact my ankle cracked and I flopped onto the floor in immense pain. Not one to spoil a game of footy tho I still kept on going and threw the bottle back into play After a lot of struggling and upset I got home and waited a week for my ankle to heal, thinking it was just twisted or something. Then a trip to the hospital revealed i'd broken it into 2 bits and since i'd waited a week the damaged ligiments etc had started healing around the broken bones so they had to snap it again. I was in quite a bit of pain from the second I broke it up until a few weeks after when i'd been in hospital (for about 3 days during my 17th b-day). I broke my little toe a few weeks ago n all but that was nowt.
I broke my leg in four places when i was a bairn! I have also broke a few fingers, once when i had a fight with a wall and a few when i use to do kickboxing.
Ive broke me ankle, both wrists, one arm in 6 places, and a mth ago i fractured me shin. Also broke finger about 4 times playin in goal and 3 toes when me horse reared up and landed on me foot, other than that, nothing
iv broke my nose 8 times by leg 4 times my hand twice and my cheak bone twice nose the most painful esp when putting back in place
i hate breaking bones... it's so horrible, they had to put a splint on my wrist but erm... they are putting a cast on and it will most probs be on for 3-4 month the doctor said.... ouch... it hurts
i want to try getting a 3 inch needle injected up your nose the it pulled into place but all broken bones hurt not nice hope the pain eases !!
your typing seems a bit off today Surely you dont WANT to have that done to you. I'm assuming thats what some nasty doctor did to your ickle nosey posey
hard at work trying to type on about 6 diff screens its mad cos sometimes i send stuff to customers which i was meant to post on ere just trying to do too much at once too fast
I've never broke a bone before, i've even been run over before, fell out of a moving car (i was young messing about with the door, child locks should have been on). Didn't get a scratch on me though, and I put the windscreen through with my head on the car that run me over. Touch wood I won't do myself any damage.