Saturday's are shit How come Saturday's are totally shit, there's absolutely nothing to do, the weather is shit and I'm really bored :evil:
Re: Saturday's are shit get a hobby i find stamp collecting passes the time or i usually find if you give it the big'un the night before you spend all the next day recovering :chill:
Peoples life must be so fucking boring if you can't find things to do, theres fucking millions of things I could think of doing, just get of your arse and do something, the only reason your bored is cause you to slack to do anything.
Beer is the only day after promise remedy, once you start anything you do seems ok. Seem to be able to drink alot more aswell
I think its only dull if its bad weather, otherwise there's loads to do!! Ive had an ok day. Been doing loads in the house, but have felt like total shit :sick:
Bad weather i say in the River Bar thread it was shit and empty partly due to the weather..Any1 know of any decent clubs in Sunderland headin there very soon?