warning...texts from toptunes. Heard this at work today, tis not bullshit, just thought i would post just incase anyone else has the problem it seems a lot of people are having at the moment. you recieve a text that says something along the lines of, 'thankyou for registering with TopTunes. you will recieve your new ringtones weekly. £4 will be added to your bill...if you wish to cancel at anytime, ring .....and gives a number. if you get this, do not ring the number. you have not been signed up to anything. you will not be charged £4....UNLESS YOU RING THE NUMBER. Rang through to billing to see if the charge could be taken off the account and was told it is a SCAM. they are texting random numbers, then people will ring up to say that they didnt sign up for this. But it is a premium rate number and you will be charged at LEAST £4 for the call. Sounds like a chain letter doesnt it? ah well, cant think of any other way to explain it. I will post of any other scams and the like i hear of at work. listen if you want
dont reply to it, and dont phone the numbers. the companys are not allowed to charge you unless you signed up for it. signing up can be, ill download one ring tone. most of the time, in the small print theres a bit saying that they will then send you another one every week for £2 or something. also beware if your signing up for something on line. if you've had to put in your mobile number, read through those offers with the tick boxes. Normally, you would just un tick all of them, cos you dont want any offers, but some are being sneeky and saying things like 'ringtonesrus, new chart ringtones direct to your phone every week for just £3 a month. tick box not to recieve this great offer. so you untick it thinking that you arent getting the offer when you actually are....or so ive been told. i dont give my mobile number to anyone so dont have this problem really. remember, STOPALL to 88888 will stop all the madness...but will also stop say, football text alerts and things.