Why? I'm new, my name is Justice. I'd never use 'fo sho' in a sad white boy gone ghetto fashion either. Are you wanabee middle class perchance?
You couldn't fill your pants. And you DON'T know where I live. I wish you did, I'd set the dogs on you.
What? A 'Tron' like character who exists in webworld simply to harrass norberts, clowns and numptees? Nah. But I'm out tonight. In my new Bathing Ape shirt.
No it isn't!! I am ME!! No one else of this board- ME! Put your little alias theory to bed mate because you couldn't be more wrong.
I am ME! No one else. Why are you all so suspicious? Is a sense of humour so rare on here that its met with aprehension? Who are you by the way? Well I think we'll have you as Will Young then eh? Run along and fold your Nan's doylies.
Jesus lads. Put your money and assumptions away you're way off the mark. I am me. Not anyone else who posts on here. I AM ME!!! But if any lumo birds think I'm someone they have a crush on they can swallow my gargler no problem.