Bi-sexual people are just greedy in my opinion! obviously want the best of both worlds!! I've got a friend who's totally straight but likes a lot of experimenting. Everytime we're out together she always says how much she'd like to kiss me etc!!!disturbs me a little as she's notrmally mortal drunk and totally out of control so is quite full on!!!!ha ha shes exceedingly rampant!!
correct me if i'm wrong but... surely that means she isn't totally straight? or is bi-curious classed as 'totally straight'? i think every1's a bit bi. well women anyways
lol @ this thread, pike everytime im on the board you typing with one hand! and you dont call me HEED CASY for nowt it was a girl called vicky mr wet, you dont know her i think not one of my normal crew as shes a bit tooooo crazy for riverbar banter, even more so than i!