Unleashed New jet Li film, looks fucking class anyone seen it yet? the plot sounds really interesting can't wait to see it.
seen it the other day.ok film, dont usually like his films either (the one was bollox) quite violent in places, down side is the love conquers all idea, bit soppy. watchable though
Yeah i think it looks quite imo, didnt realise but i put a clip from that film in the humor section last week: http://www.killsometime.com/video/video.asp?video=The-Escape
Tis alright.. I thought the plot was a bit thin though.. Its ok to watch as a "background" film though. Its hardly a kung fu epic.. However the fight with the bloke in white is top drawer stuff.. Its the only thing i'd rewatch the movie for..
It ain't.. tbh i can't really rememberwincing at any of it.. The opening sequence is pretty good too..
thats a load of bollocks, apart from the fact they both do martial arts they play totally differant roles in films, jackie chan more comedy and jet li more towards action.
Jet li is hard as fuck. Hes been learning different MA's since he was 7.. Some of the stuff he does in his movies, the ones that don't use strings etc, are amazing and are feats that only a true master of martial arts could complete without falling on their arses. If your gonna compare him to Jackie Chan then compare him to some of his earlier work. U can't beat good ol' bruce though.. there'll never be anyone that good again..