im sick of right i still love to play on my decks, and i buy tunes every other week, but im sick of mates and even some family members saying that playing on decks is imature and i need to grow up wasting money on stupid records and that i should start a family with my lass even though she does'nt want kids yet til a couple of years time, im 26 and dont even want kids either. my music and deck's keep me a happy chap and cant see me wanting to chuck my hobby in just cos these people think i need to grow up do people think it's a kids thing decks?? (even though theres lodsa dj's over the age of 26) or should i be comparing my new model lawn mower with extra space to compact more grass in on a sunday with the grandads in the street
Fuck that mate, nothing immature about it at all! Do you play out much? Tell them to sod off and mind their own business :fart:
Just do whatever the fuck you like, as life is too short to worry about what other people think of you :groovy:
if that happened to me i know wot i'd do, buy a complete new dj setup, and some fook off speakers as well.
Re: im sick of lifes to short to listen to everyone else's point of view if your happy with yourself thats the only thing that really matters imo 26 is still young as long as your not wearing burberry and writing your name on the subway walls still, i think you'll be fine
na just in me bedroom mate but a still reckon a could play out someday even if a hit 30 coming on leaps and bounds latley even if a say so me self na it's just some times get's me down them saying this and it makes me take a look at me self and have a think but it's what a love, maybe me getting a set of technics before a new fridge and freezer for me flat makes them say such things
Re: im sick of Why the fuck is playing records immature I am the same age as you mate and have been doing it for ,on and off , nearly 9 years , being "immature" fucking rocks imo tell them to do one and play your records even louder
Re: Re: im sick of ive had decks since a was 24 so just 2 years like but have had a love for dance music for as long as i can remember. i always tell them to fuck offf n anyways but somtimes a do take a a look at meself through what other people say more so today for some reason
Re: Re: Re: im sick of if you like doing it what does it matter that others dont? Unless you are playing hard house of course
exactamundo - eeeeee dont i sound like fonzy? lol - just tell them its your gateway to becomeing a millionaire!! this time next year rodney.....