Kazaa P2P Ive just loaded it onto my pc and before i even made a search it tried to download 3 viruses to my hard drive ! Anyone else had this problem ???
try a prog called "soulseek" dude.....do a search on google and download it.....its not too bad! ive got loads of sets and stuff from it....music only, but if thats what you are after!?
i use kazaa....got loadsa viruses from it so i took it off but then me sister put it back on again and its workin fine....tis ok for gettin older songs but has hardly no new stuff like!
Your right its good for older stuff, was weird tho when i first got it i went looking for solar stone seven cities no trace. Then tried again last night and there was loads of em!
kazza is alrite.. what u need 2 do is get rid of the 'spyware' hideen in it.. which makes pop up windows and downloads viruses.....goto www.download.com search for kazaa and get the spyware remover.. called 'cydoor' i use winmx www.winmx.com to get nu tunes... some of the godsk global sets are online already... but be warned with winmx the download queues are HUGE.. u mite wait 2 hrs and then ur download mite just start.... also http://kickme.to/trancegate is a great trance mp3 website wih links to about 100 sites around.. but also has the lates tunes with direct download links bring back audiogalaxy!
win mx www.winmx.com quite good. but u have to wait for ages sometimes to download. download www.winamp.com too and play ur tunes off there. its canny good programme.
Kazzaa is crap for Dance music. Its only good for porn and illegal software. The best for music i reckon is SoulSeek.
Yea, n if u use winamp, download my promise skin 4 it from here! : http://www.winamp.com/components/detail.jhtml?componentId=105248 Sorry 2 keep plugging it, but hell, im proud of it! :groovy:
My computer got a virus a few weeks ago. Didnt know where from. But now yas mention it, it was 2 days after i started using kazaa. Nuff said i think!!!!
Also ive downloaded that thingy now so no more po-ups and viruses hopefully. Still use Kazaa, its not great but it is pretty good.