Who is..... Gabba the hut??? who are you? a few ppl think that im you, just cos i like me hardcore but i aint - honestly time to come out me thinks
aaww so u arent a real person....??!! i was gonna pm u apologising for yesterdays outburst but i dont think i'll bother now!! xxx
do tell rob..!! im not usually bothered but seen as i was horrid to him/her AND actually apologised afterwards i'd be quite interested to know!! xxx
You're like some special forces mod... i thought it was one of those people who were rebanned after scruff 'grassed'
Think it's gowansy. What did he get banned for anyway? If he'd quit with the aliases he'd of been back on weeks ago.
more jewish stereotyping.... if all you've got is my race I pity you... I'm the biggest wanker on the board and the best insult you can come up with is I'm jewish... lol you're shit. plus you have stupidly big ears