swimming keeps you well fit cause u use nearly every muscle in your body. i used to be fit as fuck when i used to swim for the city. few years ago now like. went the other week and after a few lengths i was total out of breathe
Kickboxin is mint.. tones up your legs and stomach.. For fitness sake I'd start doin kickboxercise (kinda like circuit training) and then move onto the actual proper stuff. Swimming is mint.. u should do that 2
Swimming is a defo. Dont have to do long either and it works all of your body instead of having to work each bit. Stephen's been trying to get me to go, but Im lazy :yawn: Maybe I should.
There sounds like there are enough people into swimming to book the city pool out ... we should have a Promise swimming team !! They do play music into the pool area don't they ... we could change the tempo a bit
Swimming is definately the best exercise as it uses every muscle in your body.... But even better sexercise... he he
best thing for you would be get a bike theres loads of class rides round washy and i dont mean casy, best thing to do is get someone to do it with you then u dont bottle it
just try a few different things to see wot u like. coz unless u enjoy it u wont do it again and will just giv up easily. so go swimming, biking or to a class or even just get an dvd to see wot kinda thing u like. u dont even need to buy a dvd do they still do them oz style aerobics on sky sports? lol they were really difficult but free to do, i used to do them when was at college and off in the day then u cud tape them and do them a few times a week or wotever so u not doin the same routine all the time. u cud play something like tennis or find stuff round house or garden to burn some calories. like running up and down the stairs or if u doin housework stick some fast music on and dance bout to that at same time. even gettin up 15 mins earlier than normal and doin some sit ups or squats or leg curls etc will help if u do it regularly everyday coz will get your body movin sooner to giv u more energy for during the day.
Running seems hard to get into but once you start you cant stop Just dont run a full 30 mins first time, run 20 mins, but do 5 sets running 2 minutes and walking 2 mins. Do that every other day of the week and inbetween days just stretch. Then you can build up running to 30 minutes, but its best not to run every day unless you really really wanna go for it everyone needs a rest. In the morning is best for burning fat but at teatime you have the most energy and is probs the easiest time for everyone Good Luck xxx
i hate running everyone says its good for ya like, especially 1st thing, its supposed to sort ya for the day