fantastic nite going on this friday want to come? hope you are all ready for a mad nite happening this friday at egypt cottage. DETOX is back if you were at the last one then you will know you are in for a good time and if you wernt come along and give it a try you never know you just might like it, and this one will be even better coz its a birthday party!:groovy: get there early and be ready to party with some of the best hard djs around. hope you can all make it and ill see you all there xxxxx :angel:
most dj s that play at cause and effect if you have ever been if you havent WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. djs like phil cogan whos birthday it is and this is also going to be his last set b4 he retires to the world of music making, other djs will be andy static, and not forgetting jack the hat -you have to see this one to believe it. mostly hard music progressing through the night go on cpome along xx
youd like cause + effect djs i reckon...all stupidly hard... aint my thing...but if it floats ya boat...
I nearly shit my pants there - I was drawn towards my name but then found Phil in front of it. Could have been scary if it was me
so then is anyone else going to come we are all thinking of going to that which finishes at 12 and then going on to promise should be a good but messy nite hope to see you all there going nuts on the dance floor xxxx:groovy: