Sign Language on the box... Was watchin tv when I got in this mornin.. switched over to the box and found there was someone signing lyrics to songs.. :bonkers: I kinda don't see the point in this but was glued to watchin it cos I found it absolutely hilarious!! There were doin signs for guitar, drum and saxophone solos and dancing to the music. Anyone else seen this? :crazy:
Re: Sign Language on the box... yeah, my son loves it, he's not deaf but when he sees the person doing it he tries to copy.... he's only 2 but hollyoaks on a sunday morn. is his fav. he stands in front of .tv for hrs waving his arms around...
They do this on the Hollyoaks omnibus aswell. Whats the point when there's Subtitles? To songs though is a bit like...what. Subtitles Taking up half the screen with a sign person Thats not intended to be derogatory either, but it is what subtitles are for!!
used to go to school with a deaf girl, then after we left used to see her in shindig every week, she was a wicked dancer too, said she loved just feeling the bass and thats how she danced. quality.