Yo I'm back! Florida was sweet although it hasn't really changed much apart from the odd new attraction. There was a really good ride at Epcot called Soarin where u get lifted up high to face a big projection screen and it simulates flying over california etc. U can smell the orangees etc and the pine treees as u 'fly' over them There was also freee beer in the hospitality house at certain parks such as Busch Gardens and Seaworld but not being 21 I was forced to watch and simply imagine what fun I could be having Got a load of pics to upload that (a minority) of u might be interested in seeing that i'll sort out later. Anyone who's been ever spotted the 'Gaylord Center'? I couldn't belive what i was seeing as i drove past this place!
Re: Re: Yo Haha cheers m8! I managed to get a pic of one of the signs on the side of the road that I'll have to find later. the place itself was some sort of convention centre or something but i definately wouldn't be feeling cool walking through those doors dressed in black with a load of other podgy old men as some must.
Re: Re: Yo Its good like Forecast was for storms all the time and when we got there there was an immense thuder storm and we just sulked and thought shit. Turned out ok tho with lush 100+ temps and only a handfull of storms that were primarily at night which made for more pleasing views in the sky than your average star Also seen a great bit of breakdancing by Street Breaks in Universal Studios that has made me wanna take up some lessons when that dance studio place opens next to the Centre of life They've taken away King Kong at Universal btw. And changed the alien encounter ride at the Magic Kingdom with some stupid shit Lilo & Stitch ride that has the same concept but replaced the scaryness with the smell of burp. And the cars! Mustang GT's and Hummer H2's galore! lol. Few S2000's and Corvettes thrown in for good measure too.
Yeah. I was bricking it though. Never felt so tense as I did when he entered my details into the computer and took my finger prints and eye scans! I had withdrawl symtoms yesterday I miss the place already. It's gonna be a looong time before i can afford to go there again. Holiday cost over £6,000 in total for the 4 of us :| I think i skiing trip is next on the list though.
u do the tower of terror m8??? whats the crack with u an international security like,,,,u got a record,,,
Ye been on the tower of terror loads. Had about 8 goes the last time but only had the one this time as I've kinda got used to all the rides and they dont scare me anymore. Was dying to go on theworlds tallest Skycoaster again as I dyed my pants brown after i went on that last time but never got a chance As for US customs, I dont have a record but i've been done for a drug offense and I was almost ready to go down to london to apply for a visa that you (according to the US Embassy of London) you NEED if you've ever had a run in with the police. However after looking around and reading that the US has no way of checking ur records etc and its just an attempt by London to get people to admit themselves onto a list of offenders who would require a visa to enter the country that gives them £60 per person regardless of whether u get a visa or not, I decided not to get one and take a chance. My m8 applied since he's been arrested loads and he's from South Africa so I think he would have needed one cos of that anyway but he got rejected (so I didnt have a m8 coming on holiday with me which was annoying at times cos my sister was acting the like charva off little britain). Not knowing for certain if the US does have ways of checking records etc I was shitting myself when I landed The finger prints and retina scans that u give were intimidating to say the least!
It was ok actually. A bit of a joke infact as there were the normal queues to go through the metal detectors/bag scanners before you could leave the airport but then this stupid woman opened another gate and let us and everyone behind us go through but she never had us checked for anything like the other queue was. I bet theres loads of stuff like this happening all the time which kinda makes the enforced security of airports seem like a bit of a myth in some ways. On the way out of the UK I made the metal detector beep and all I got was a quick pad down then I was ok. Didnt ask what metal etc i had on or make me go through the detector again.