Bizzareo day ... My day has gone from having a complete loony woman follow me around a shop and throw the four sized packs of videos at me :wtf: :crazy: to ... Getting some fan mail Attention from both ends of the scale .... hilarious :rofl:
I went to the Gym for first time since i have joined the neet I have also been to graft then into town to get a refund on 2 pairs of shoes i bought which fucked straight away and then to meet the bank accountant I will regret the Gym in the morn, saying that i am back again tomorrow after work
just think of the end results from working hard mr nice hot bath will help so your msucles dont get sore
Think the bathrooms getting decorated, i will have to jump into the sink Hannah > Im like that every time i have worked both jobs - by the end of the night i have feet like i have been walking miles for water End results better be worth it
best of doing a cool down jog for your muscles just a tadj quicker than walking pace, then a bath and a wank if your hands your only partner
i it is like, a bit radox in nall, was at the gym me sell till june then fucked it off when a started decorating and getting stoned watching paint dry
Definitley a downside like the amount you eat! I ate so much in the Dam i felt full for 48 hours afterwards and had heartburn aswell
aww poor marce, should'nt have smooked as much then, self inflicted so no sympathy from me r and am back on the dope me being of it only lasted all of two weeks