Red Eye Went to see this last night- for an hour and twenty minute long film, it was actually pretty decent stereotypical wes craven film, but you didnt have to think to hard to enjoy it
went to the pics last night and walked out... absolutely nowt on til that green something comes out... wtf is it called??
Clarki may agree with ya on that one Hmm I might break a cinema ban to watch that tbh I love football hololiganism
Went to see Red Eye the other night with a certain Mr K Dyer also in the cinema.. film was canny but I found it more entertaining watching Dyer thinking he was a legend, wearing a basketball vest with Dyer 8 on the back.. taxi. I always find these kind of films amusing though as normal people are suddenly able to hit someone in exactly the right place, shoot guns they randomly pick up, drive cars they randomly find etc.
red eye is probably the worst film ive seen this year, absolutely fucking dire. The plot is utter wank and isnt even that interesting and nothing surprising happens in the film at all. About 20 mins in to the film u can predict exactly what will happen for the remaining dreary 80 mins. The Dialogue was completely devoid of intelligence or even reality at points and the rpg thing into the hotel was just ridiculous! I was expecting them to use a sniper rifle or something but nope they pull out a huge rpg thing haha. Only saving grace was the fact that Rachel McAdams is fit but that by no stretch of the imagination makes it anywhere near watchable.
No he was just with some random bloke.. Dyer (the bastard) hit me on the head with a bag of doritos as he put his arm around someone for a photo. Twat.
went to see red-eye last night n it was predictable as fuck.really bad.cant wait to see the business though.danny dyer is a pretty good actor.
i know- one minute she is almost too scared to fly, next she is battering him with a hockey stick, stabbing him and kicking the shit out of him only in america
I think i called it 76 minutes of cinematic wood in the other thread i made about it. fuckin awful film, shite plot, shite acting... shite everything apart from Rachel McAdams who gets a seaham harbour freedom fighter rating of 9/10