Anyone in Ibiza this Sunday? Be sure to hit Space; We Love Space (a.m. + p.m.) 2 Many Djs Damian Lazarus Dan Ghenacia Smokin' Jo Tim Sheridan Tom Novy Felix Da Housecat Paul Woolford Robbie Butler Oli Faulkner
as if oli got a gig there get in wish him luck for me blakey ill get on and tell me mates to get over there
Aii I think he's still in a state of shock lol. I will dee, he's warming up for Felix Da Housecat on the Terrace, so it's perfect for him.
I`d tell my mates to attend, BUT - they can`t stand Space & are dead set on Judgement Sunday for Above & Beyond!
get there on sat morn. I am liking the look of this will prob sack off judgement sunday that week for this. Cant wait now